X-Stream Aeroponic Propagation
Want to root cuttings faster, with a near 100% success rate and no root rot or drying out?
Then choose the X-Stream aeroponic propagator. The Xstream mists cuttings to maintain ideal moisture and oxygen levels.
Cuttings are suspended in mesh pots in the propagator’s misting chamber and are constantly misted.
The X-Stream Aeroponic propagator creates perfect conditions for cultivating cuttings reliably and quickly.
The mist prevents root rot and drying out and provides unrestricted access to oxygen, the large vents in the lid provide humidity control, and the heated version enables you to raise cuttings in an unheated area all year.
Because the mist is constant, there’s no need to monitor water levels every day.
A higher % of your cuttings will root (many growers report 100% success rates) and the plants will be faster growing and more resistant to stress and disease throughout their life thanks to their incredibly healthy start.
X-Stream Aeroponic propagators have grooves in the lid to fit the Sunblaster T5 propagation lights. These nanotech enhanced lights run cool enough to be placed onto the propagator lids with zero risk of damage.
The X-Stream creates the perfect environment for root development which dramatically improves the success rate of cuttings and speeds up their root development. The condition of the cuttings can be checked quickly with minimal impact on the cutting ensuring that the cuttings are as healthy as possible when they are potted on.
X-Stream propagators have specially designed lids to fit Sunblaster T5 lights. Simply place the light onto the lid and your ready to grow. – SEE EBAY ITEM NUMBER – 262916423681
System Size L x W x H cm – Tank Volume – No. of plants
12 Site Propagator – 59 x 46.5 x 44 – 8 Litres – 12
20 Site Propagator – 59 x 46.5 x 44 – 8 Litres – 20
40 Site Propagator – 77 x 40.5 x 45 – 14 Litres – 40
120 Site Propagator – 115 x 64.5 x 46 – 40 Litres – 120
Pump – leave the pump on 24/7~
Feeding – when roots begin to show add nutrients at a quarter of the manufacturers recommended dosage.
Ventilations – once roots are showing, open the vents slightly. Gradually increase the opening every day and remove the lid completely to harden off for a couple of days before transplanting on.
Rooting gels and powder can still be used. When the cutting is dipped, all active ingredients are absorbed immediately and will not be ‘washed off’ by the misting.
Transplanting into soil or coco
Remove from the X-Stream when roots begin to poke through the mesh pot. Pot on into 3” or 4” pots and grow on for a few days before transplanting on.
Transplanting into hydro
Remove from the X-Stream when roots have grown 3” to 4” from the bottom of the mesh pot. Transplant directly into the hydro system.
Transplanting into rockwool
Remove from the X-Stream when roots have grown 3” to 4” from the bottom of the mesh pot. Punch a hole in the bottom of a 3” or 4“ cube, sandwich the cutting between two halves of an Grodan SBS cube allowing the roots to trail through the punched hole. Transplant immediately.